Fire safety is incredibly important and should not be overlooked in any type of building. It is a crucial aspect of health and safety to ensure the protection of both your building and the people within it. This is why there are various fire safety systems and procedures that are legal requirements in the UK. 

Such requirements include several elements such as the display of fire signs. This may be a simple and somewhat small element of fire safety regulations, however, it must not be overlooked. Not displaying a mandatory fire sign can result in not only a fine but can also cause aggravated damage in the event of a fire.

Fire safety signs laws

The UK legislation for fire safety signs designates any person who owns a non-domestic premise as responsible for fire safety implementations, including the display of fire signs. All businesses are required to display at least two fire safety signs. These include the following:

  • A fire action notice sign: this sign highlights the actions to be taken in the event of a fire. It displays information such as how to raise the alarm and where the designated assembly point is.
  • An extinguisher ID sign: this sign highlights the location of each fire extinguisher, and displays information on how to use each type of extinguisher available at the premises.

A failure to comply with fire safety legislation in the UK, including failure to display the above-mentioned signs, can result in a fine. You could receive a penalty of up to £5,000 for minor penalties. Major penalties carry unlimited fines and up to 2 years imprisonment. Fires are traumatic events even if no one gets hurt, therefore major fines can be incurred even if a fire incident did not cause major damage.

How we can help

At Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service, we can help you with all aspects of fire safety including how to correctly display fire safety signs. We can carry out audits to all types of premises, which we undertake every year as part of our Risk Based Inspection Programme. 

During your audit, we highlight potential hazards, as well as give you advice on keeping your home or commercial premise safe and up to date with fire safety regulations. This includes best practice procedures on establishing a safe and efficient fire escape plan.

Our fire protection team is highly experienced, and our expertise means we can quickly and efficiently evaluate the exact needs of each premise we visit. We ensure you are up to code and can help with sourcing the fire signs you require, as well as highlight where they should be displayed. 

Contact us today or call Northants Fire at 01604 760600 to get expert help and ensure you have all the right practices and procedures in place. After all, you could save lives as well as your property, in addition to avoiding fines. Some things simply aren’t worth the risk.