Maintaining Alarms After Installation
Northants Fire ensure your fire systems are serviced and maintained – whether it be during routine inspections or responsive visits – giving you confidence in the integrity of your fire alarm systems.

The Service Visit
During the visit our fire engineer will:
- Review a copy of your Health and Safety policy, fire logbook and fire risk assessment, to identify any actions required
- Carry out a full maintenance inspection, fully compliant with BS5839-1
- Discuss the works carried out and confirm the system status
Following your maintenance visit, which will be carried out with minimal interference to your daily processes, you will receive an inspection certificate for your premises. The engineer will also make all relevant recordings in your fire logbook. The required frequency of your maintenance visits will be 6 monthly as a minimum and this will ensure that your fire detection systems are functioning as intended, responding as expected in the event of a fire.
Routine & Responsive Maintenance
Regular maintenance visits are essential to safeguarding your premises from fire risk – giving you confidence that your fire systems will work properly when you need them most. These visits are also a key part of meeting your legal responsibilities to ensure fire detection products are checked by a qualified engineer and kept in working order.
We also offer 24hour emergency response visits whenever breakages or faults have been identified. Time sensitivity is crucial as any delay can put people on the premises at greater risk of injury or fatality in the event of a fire.
We here at Northants Fire will give you the peace of mind to know the fire detection and alarm system is always operating and performing as it is designed to do.
