Fire Alarms in Northampton

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Smoke & Fire Alarm Systems Northampton

Fire. It’s no joke. It has the power to destroy everything you love in a matter of moments, meaning fire prevention should be taken very seriously. Here at Northants Fire, we ensure families and businesses across Northamptonshire have working smoke and fire alarm systems installed in their properties. Guaranteeing protection for their family and prized possessions.  

Northants Fire is a BAFE approved company under the SP203 – Part 1 Modular Scheme. We have a full team of qualified electricians who will install fire systems in your property without inconveniencing your family or business. You can rest assured knowing that we can provide you with the best fire equipment and services. 

The Importance of Smoke & Fire Alarm Systems

In 2018, there were 334 fire-related fatalities in England. 334 too many. Why take the risk? Install a fire alarm today.

You have just minutes to escape from a burning building. A smoke alarm provides you with an early warning, giving you enough time to get yourself and your family away from danger. A smoke alarm could be the difference between life and death. If you don’t have fire alarms installed in your home, you’re four times more likely to die in a fire. 

Smoke alarms are a life-saving device. Despite this, there are still homes that do not have smoke alarms installed. For a small price, you can ensure that your loved ones are protected from the threat of a home fire. Smoke is toxic and the faster you are alerted, the better your chance of survival.

The Types of Smoke Alarms Available 

Here at Northants Fire, we stock three different types of smoke alarms. These are ionisation, optical, and heat alarms. They all have a similar look and are either powered by batteries or mains electricity. To find out more, get in touch today on 01604 760600 or pop us an email at

When deciding on a smoke alarm, you should always get a professional opinion. This will help to ensure you have the right smoke alarms for your home. However, there are some general rules to follow:

  • Heat Alarms for Kitchens and Garages.
  • Ionisation Smoke Alarms for Landings.
  • Optical Smoke Alarms for Bedrooms, living rooms, and hallways. 

Maintaining Alarms After Installation

Having fire and smoke alarms installed in your home is great but what’s the point if they don’t work correctly? There is no point at all. Ensuring that you test your fire alarms weekly is extremely important to make sure they are working correctly.

It is also recommended that you clean your fire and smoke alarms every couple of months to prevent the build-up of dust and debris. However, you should avoid cleaning your alarms with cleaning products or damp cloths. Instead, simply grab your hoover and use the soft-bristled end to clean around the outside of your alarms. Maintenance is the best way to ensure your alarms are working correctly and you have optimal protection for your property.  

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