Summer is an ideal time for outdoor activities, but it also raises the risk of wildfires. Analysis of data from 2014 to 2020 revealed a steady rise in the number of wildfires recorded every year in the UK.  This worrying trend highlights the importance of taking steps to prevent wildfires. In this blog post, we will discuss forest fire prevention and causes so you can play a role in preventing wildfires and keeping the outdoors safe.

Always Be Aware of Weather and Conditions

When it comes to forest fire prevention, staying informed about the weather is key. High temperatures and dry conditions can make a wildfire more likely, so make sure you check the weather forecast before venturing outdoors. Also avoid outdoor activities during peak heat hours and follow any warnings or restrictions in place for your area to minimise the risk of starting a wildfire.

Do Not Throw Away Cigarettes

When you’re finished with your cigarette, don’t throw it away. Careless disposal of cigarettes is one of the leading causes of wildfires in the UK and even a single discarded butt can cause immense destruction to an area. To help protect our environment, make sure you always dispose of cigarettes properly in designated smoking areas or ashtrays. If there aren’t any around, it’s best to keep the butt with you until you can find an appropriate place to discard it.

Forest FIre

Ensure you Know What to Do If You Do See a Wildfire

If you spot a wildfire, it is crucial to take swift action. Do not attempt to put out the fire yourself as this could be dangerous. Instead, contact the fire service and alert anyone in the vicinity. You should also evacuate from the area immediately and let the fire service take over. Your safety is paramount, so do not put yourself in any danger by trying to intervene.

Be Cautious with BBQ’s

BBQs can be great fun, but they can also be a source of wildfire risk. Always ensure that the barbecue is placed on a level surface away from any flammable materials. Also keep a fire extinguisher or water nearby in case of an emergency. If there is a risk of forest fire, it is best to avoid BBQs altogether and opt for an indoor alternative instead.

Choose to Avoid Fires on Very Hot Days

On very hot days, it’s important to avoid all activities that could lead to forest fires. Instead of going into the woods, opt for more fire-safe places like beaches, rivers, or public swimming pools. By doing this, you’ll stay cool and safe in the summertime! And remember, this doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the forest fun – just plan ahead and make smart choices on whether to take a forest stroll or not.

More Information on Forest Fire Prevention

Northants Fire is a fire safety Wellingborough-based organisation that provides assessments and equipment for fire prevention. We can give you more advice on how to prevent wildfires, as well as provide information on the UK’s wildfire policies and legislation.If you would like to learn more about forest fire prevention, please visit our website or contact us directly. Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have and provide more information on how you can help prevent wildfires.