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    So far admin has created 40 entries.

    Top 10 Essential Fire Safety Tips

    Fire safety is a paramount concern for individuals and households, as fires can have devastating consequences on lives and property. Understanding fire safety tips and implementing preventive measures are crucial steps in reducing the risk of fires and ensuring the safety of residents.

    Understanding Fire Safety Tips

    In the UK, fires pose a significant risk, with […]

    By |June 19th, 2024|Latest News|Comments Off on Top 10 Essential Fire Safety Tips

    Essential Guide to Fire Extinguishers

    Having the right fire extinguishers on hand is crucial for protecting lives and property in the event of a fire emergency. Fires can start unexpectedly and spread rapidly, so it’s important to be prepared with the proper equipment to quickly and effectively extinguish different types of fires. This guide will provide an overview of […]

    By |June 19th, 2024|Latest News|Comments Off on Essential Guide to Fire Extinguishers

    The Importance Of Fire Alarms And Their Maintenance

    Having fire alarms in the workplace or home is something that most people take for granted. However, they’re an integral part of all our lives and should be maintained and checked regularly to ensure they’re in full working order.

    Why Are Fire Alarms Important?

    We all know that fire alarms are important but still seem to […]

    By |June 30th, 2021|Latest News|Comments Off on The Importance Of Fire Alarms And Their Maintenance

    The Importance Of A Fire Risk Assessment

    Implementing a fire risk assessment within your workplace is essential and mandatory by law if the workplace is a commercial building. Your policy will:

    Train your staff so they know what to do if a fire breaks out.Lessen your insurance costs.Ensure the fire is contained so there’s minimal damage.And most importantly, it could save lives.

    As […]

    By |March 30th, 2021|Latest News|Comments Off on The Importance Of A Fire Risk Assessment

    Important Things To Know About Carbon Monoxide Alarms

    In every home, carbon monoxide can prove to be an invisible menace which is often extremely hard to spot. Therefore, it is crucial that you set up an alarm to pick up on toxic gas which could prove fatal to your family. However, while it might be reasonable to assume that you can just […]

    By |October 30th, 2020|Latest News|Comments Off on Important Things To Know About Carbon Monoxide Alarms

    Rules Of Fire Signage

    If you run a public body or business, you have a duty of care over your staff and your customers. This, of course, should apply to private companies and bodies, too. But do you necessarily have the best approach when it comes to fire signs? What is the general UK law regarding fire signs […]

    By |August 31st, 2020|Latest News|Comments Off on Rules Of Fire Signage

    Fire Training 101

    A fire is something that can create huge devastation to people’s homes, businesses and lives. This is why it’s so important to know what to do in the event of a fire. It could go a long way to keeping yourself safe in the situation, as well as those around you. This is where […]

    By |July 31st, 2020|Latest News|Comments Off on Fire Training 101

    Ever Wondered What The Symbols Mean On A Fire Extinguisher?

    Whether at home or work, it’s crucial you have a plan in place to fight a fire. This should mean that you have a fire extinguisher in place to help support you in the event of a blaze. There are many fire extinguisher types, however. If you’re confused by fire extinguisher colours, logos and […]

    By |March 31st, 2020|Latest News|Comments Off on Ever Wondered What The Symbols Mean On A Fire Extinguisher?

    How Often Does Emergency Lighting Need to be Tested?

    There are many things in life that we create but hope we never have to use. Nuclear bombs, lifeboats or Marmite all fit into that box. Emergency lighting is also one of those things. We need lighting of course, but we don’t want any kind of emergency. That generally means something has gone wrong. So whilst it’s not always prevalent, it absolutely needs to work when the time comes.


    By |February 28th, 2020|Latest News|Comments Off on How Often Does Emergency Lighting Need to be Tested?

    Why Every Business Should Have a Fire Risk Assessment

    Why Fire Risk Assessments Are So Important
    Fires are something that no one should take lightly. Each year, hundreds of thousands of people die or get burns because of fire hazards. Therefore, all businesses should focus regularly on how they approach fire safety. Have you undertaken a fire risk assessment for your business? A commercial fire […]

    By |January 31st, 2020|Latest News|Comments Off on Why Every Business Should Have a Fire Risk Assessment

    Fire Training: Why it’s Important

    Have you ever experienced a fire in your place of work? Which steps did everyone take instantly? Was the incident confusing and was everyone trained to handle the fire emergency? Well, whether the fire got put out or not, the main concern is always the safety of people. Fire training is a prime concern for any type of business or individual to ensure safety for everyone in such emergencies.


    By |June 28th, 2019|Latest News|Comments Off on Fire Training: Why it’s Important

    10 Important Reasons Why You Should Have a Fire Alarm System Installed

    Fire alarm systems are among the best solutions for protecting yourself and your family against unwanted hazards or accidents. There are plenty of reasons why we recommend installing such a device in your home, but the most important ten are listed below:


    By |February 28th, 2019|Inforamtion|Comments Off on 10 Important Reasons Why You Should Have a Fire Alarm System Installed

    Know Your Fire Alarm System

    A fire alarm detects fire and alerts people about the risk. A fire alarm system has several units for power as well as detection, and warning. The alarms are divided into two main categories namely automatic and manual. In automatic, the system itself detects the presence of fire and starts the warning. In manual, […]

    By |January 29th, 2019|Inforamtion|Comments Off on Know Your Fire Alarm System

    How do wet chemicals extinguish a fire?

    In the fire industry, wet chemical fire extinguishers are a relatively new invention. It’s been found that cooking appliances are the single biggest accidental fire source either at home or at the workplace. As a result, the wet chemical has been found to be at the top of the list of the most effective […]

    By |December 31st, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on How do wet chemicals extinguish a fire?

    Why fire safety is important for schools

    Most institutions, including schools, overlook the importance of having a fires safety program. However, it’s extremely important that such a program is in place. The only thing stakeholders of schools think about much is the academic excellence of students. While this is also great, the safety of these students needs to be among the very first priorities of each and every school. Observing fire safety at school has the potential of saving lives as well as saving properties of the institution which may otherwise be destroyed in a fire disaster. Here are the major reasons why fire safety should be prioritised in schools: […]

    By |October 31st, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Why fire safety is important for schools

    Different types of fire extinguishers and their uses

    Fire is like a close acquaintance that you want to keep at arm’s length. You can use it for cooking, forging metals, producing light and heat, and many others. Fire makes life more comfortable. But, fire is also dangerous if you do not handle it right. Fire extinguishers are the best defence in case of accidental fires. These are the different types of fire extinguishers and their uses: […]

    By |September 28th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Different types of fire extinguishers and their uses

    Top Office Fire Safety Tips to Keep Employees Safe

    If you run a business that employs a lot of staff in an office, you need to make fire safety a priority. It is not solely for the benefit of your employees and any visitors to your premises, though this is important, but also because there are legal requirements for business. These requirements and regulations outline that businesses need to carry out proper risk assessments and put practices and measures into place that help to prevent fires from occurring. […]

    By |September 20th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Top Office Fire Safety Tips to Keep Employees Safe

    Fire Safety in the Workplace

    According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), workplace explosions and fires have the highest casualty rate compared to other possible workplace accidents. These explosions and fires are usually caused by faulty electric wirings and improper storage of combustible materials. These can cause burns, deformity and can greatly affect one’s respiratory system after smoke inhalation. […]

    By |August 31st, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Fire Safety in the Workplace

    Why is my fire alarm beeping? 

    Fire alarms are a great for homes as they provide fire safety and general protection. They alert us the moment their sensors get even the slighted smoke waft, making it why fire alarms are an absolute necessity to be installed in our homes. Nonetheless, these sensitive home components are also able to create a sense […]

    By |July 31st, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Why is my fire alarm beeping? 

    Fire Fighting Techniques

    Fire can arise anywhere, especially in places such as high rise buildings. Every person needs to be able to at least have the basic knowledge of firefighting techniques. This will help in ensuring the fire safety of those who are either living or using these buildings. Sometimes fire breaks out and there’s an accelerant […]

    By |June 30th, 2018|Latest News|Comments Off on Fire Fighting Techniques